Idealism and Materialism in Literature

Idealism and Materialism in Literature
The terms naturalist, materialist, and idealist are terms used in philosophy as an understanding, outlook, or philosophy of life that finally in the literary world is the flow adopted by a person in producing his work. The flow in literary works is usually seen in certain periods. Each literary period is usually marked by the flow adopted by the authors at that time. Even the flow elements that became fashions in a certain period were characteristic of literary works that were in that period.
The problem of flow as the main point of view of life, departs from the understanding expressed by philosophers in dealing with the life of the universe.

The first interpretation given by humans to nature is of two kinds, namely supernatural and natural. Adherents of these understandings are called supernaturalism and naturalism. Supernaturalism suggests that in this realm there are supernatural forms that are higher or more powerful than the real nature which regulates natural life so that it becomes the realm currently occupied.

The animism and dynamism beliefs are the oldest beliefs in the history of the development of human culture that is based on the understanding of supernaturalism and is still held by some societies on this earth. As opposed to supernatural understanding is naturalism which rejects supernatural understanding. This understanding suggests that these visible natural phenomena occur because of the forces within nature that can be learned and thus can be known. This understanding also suggests that the world is totally dependent on matter, matter, and motion. The main reality in life and the end of life is matter, or material things.

In the arts there are also two major streams with different characteristics, namely the flow of idealism and materialism. Idealism is a flow which values highly dreams (ideas) and ideals (ideal) as a result of feelings rather than the real world. This flow was initially expressed by Socrates (469-399 bc), followed by his student named Plato (427-347 bc). In the field of fine arts, idealized painters tend to prefer to realize things as best as they can. In the science of decency idealism contains a view of life in which the spiritual manifests the ruling power and explains that all things in nature and experience are the embodiment of the mind, a real view.

Opposing the idealism is the materialism. This flow suggests that the world is totally dependent on matter and motion. This teaching was put forward by Democrates in the 4th century BC, which said that all the magical, magical events in nature were moved by atoms and the breadth of their motion. There are no supernatural supernatural powers that govern this life. In the field of art, fine art and sculpture, the flow of materialism or naturalism is also called the flow of realism, which is a form of painting created according to the actual natural conditions based on factors of perspective, proportion, color, light, and shadow. Whereas in the literary arts the flow of materialism or naturalism is a continuation of the flow of realism.