Explanation of Photosynthesis in Biology
Photosynthesis is a process in the manufacture of high-energy food molecules from simpler components carried out by autotroph plants, which are plants that can make their own food.
Photosynthesis Devices
Photosynthesis can also be interpreted by bio-chemical processes carried out by plants to produce energy (nutrition) by utilizing light energy.
Photosynthesis Devices
There are several photosynthetic devices including:
In the process of photosynthesis can not take place in every cell, but only in cells that contain photosynthetic pigments. Cells that do not have photosynthetic pigments are unable to carry out photosynthesis. In the January Ingenhousz experiment, it can be seen that light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in plants. This can occur because of the difference in energy produced by each light spectrum.
In addition to the energy difference, another factor that makes the difference is the ability of the leaves to absorb the different spectrums of light. The difference in the ability of leaves to absorb various light spectrums is due to differences in the type of pigment contained in leaf tissue.
Chloroplast is found in all parts of plants that are green, including stems and fruits that are not so mature. The chlorophyll pigment that plays a role in the process of photosynthesis in chloroplasts. Chloroplast has a disk-like shape with a space called stroma.
This stroma is wrapped by two layers of membranes. The stromal membrane is called thylakoid in which there are spaces between membranes called loci. In the stroma there are also lamelae that are piled up to form grana "granum collection". Granum itself consists of thylakoid membranes which are the place where bright reactions occur and thylakoids which are spaces between thylakoids membranes.
Photosystem is a unit that is able to capture the sun's light energy consisting of chlorophyll A, antenna complex and electron acceptor. In the chloroplast there are several kinds of chlorophyll and other pigments, such as light green chlorophyll A, lever green chlorophyll B and yellow to orange carotene. These pigments cluster in thylakoid membranes and form pigmentary devices that play an important role in photosynthesis.
This photosystem is divided into two namely:
Photosystem I
Namely the absorption of light energy is carried out by chlorophyll A which is sensitive to light with a wavelength of 700 nm so that chlorophyll A is also called P700. The energy obtained by P700 is transferred from the antenna complex.
Photosystem II
Ie the absorption of light energy is carried out by chlorophyll A which is sensitive to a wavelength of 680 nm so it is called P680. Oxidized P680 is an oxidizing agent that is stronger than P700. With a greater redox potential, there will be enough negative electrons to obtain electrons from water molecules.
Photosynthetic Membranes And Organelles
Proteins that collect light for photosynthesis are equipped with cell membranes. The simplest method is found in bacteria, which are stored in the plasma membrane.
However, these membranes can be folded tightly into cylindrical sheets called thylakoids or collected into vesicles called intrakitoplasm membranes. This structure can fill most of the cell's interior, making the membrane have a large surface area and thereby increasing the amount of light that can be absorbed by bacteria