Examples of Scientific Work

Examples of Scientific Work
Basically the scientific work discusses the cleanliness found in the environment around us. Often the environment around us is rarely considered so that it can cause a disease such as flu, cough, shortness of breath and so forth, therefore it should be noted that the cleanliness of the environment around us is for the common good.
Praise us for the presence of God who has given His grace and gifts to us so that we can successfully complete this Scientific Work on time entitled "CLEANLINESS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AROUND"
This Scientific Work contains information about the Definition of an Environmental Cleanliness Around Us or more generally is to discuss the application of environmental cleanliness around. It is hoped that the existence of this Scientific Work can provide information to all of us regarding the cleanliness of the environment around us.
I realize the existence of this Scientific Work is still far from perfect, therefore criticism and also suggestions from all parties that are good and constructive are always expected for the perfection of this Scientific Work.
At the end of the word, I thank all of you who have played a role in compiling this Scientific Work from beginning to completion. May God Almighty always provide what is good for all our endeavors. Amen

A. Background
Environmental cleanliness is a condition that is free from dirt such as dust, garbage, and also odor. Indonesia in particular, the problem of environmental cleanliness is always a matter of debate and also a problem that continues to develop. Cases involving an environmental hygiene problem are increasing every year.
the problem regarding environmental hygiene that is not conducive is caused because the community is always not aware of the good environmental cleanliness. Landfills are also not used and are not properly maintained. The result is that there are disease problems, such as diarrhea, skin diseases, respiratory illnesses and other diseases that are also caused by the lack of cleanliness of an environment, especially in water and pollution that often attacks the economically weak families. With various efforts to develop health in children in general also be hampered by it.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the stated background, the writer also formulates several issues that will be discussed in a scientific paper, namely:
Regarding How do people care about the cleanliness of the surrounding environment?
Regarding how to keep the environment clean?

C. Research Objectives
It is so that the environment around can be maintained clean.
It is to increase awareness of the community around the importance of a clean environment.

D. Research Methods and Techniques
To get the information and data needed, the writer will use the observation method and also the literature. As for the techniques used in this study are as follows:
Direct Observation Techniques, is the author plunging directly and also researching into the field to be able to find out how environmental cleanliness and also how the role of students to an environmental hygiene problem.
Interview Technique, The purpose of this technique is to obtain a more detailed description of the case discussed. Respondents who include the surrounding community, especially environmental hygiene experts are as a source of information about case studies of environmental hygiene issues.
Literature Study, In this method, is reading books and also writings that are related to writing scientific papers and also which are closely related to environmental issues and the behavior of adolescents around.

E. Systematics of Writing
In this scientific work, the author will also explain the results of research in the field that begins with the introductory chapter. The chapter covers the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study and also the systematic writing. for the next chapter, the author will conduct field research.

F. Community awareness in maintaining environmental cleanliness
Cleanliness is a reflection of each individual in maintaining health that is so important in life. And also as it is known that cleanliness is as a matter of faith, cleanliness is also a condition where it is free from dirt, disease, and so forth, which obviously can be detrimental to all aspects concerning each activity and also to the environmental behavior of the community. as is known that human life can not be separated either the natural environment or social environment. Therefore, as a community must be able to maintain the cleanliness of the environment.
because without a clean environment for each individual or the community itself will be able to suffer because of one of the adverse factors such as health. Health is so expensive. So that the good cleanliness must all be treated well. The dirty environment means that it is a health nuisance which also means planting the germs.
but everything there is a change only in all issues in maintaining environmental cleanliness, all that can not be carried out without an awareness of each individual or the community to maintain cleanliness, therefore Hygiene will be useful and will also benefit if each individual or also the community can protect the surrounding environment.