Child Education and Participants in Early Childhood
Early childhood is a golden period (golden age) for the development of children to obtain the educational process. This period is a valuable year for a child to recognize various kinds of facts in his environment as a stimulus to his personality, psychomotor, cognitive and social development. Based on the results of the study, about 50% of adult intelligence capabilities have occurred when children are 4 years old, 80% have occurred when they are 8 years old, and reach the culmination point when children are around 18 years old. This means that the developments that occurred within the first 4 years are as large as the developments that occurred in the next 14 years. So this golden period is a critical period for children, where the development obtained in this period is very influential on the development of the next period until adulthood. While this golden age only comes once, so if missed means the opportunity is over. For this reason, early childhood education in the form of providing stimuli (stimulation) from the immediate environment is needed to optimize children's abilities.
The Indonesian government has introduced stimulation guidelines in the Toddler Family Development Program (BKB) since 1980, but its implementation has not been popular. Herawati (2017) research results in Bogor found that out of 265 families studied, only 15% knew of the BKB program. Another determining factor of the lack of awareness of the BKB program is the low level of parental participation. Then in 2017, the government through the Directorate General of Out-of-School Education and Youth issued PAUD (Early Childhood Education) program. However, the existence of the program so far has not even reached the rural level, so it cannot be accessed directly by the community.
Early childhood education is a very basic and strategic education in the development of human resources. Not surprisingly, many countries pay great attention to the implementation of early childhood education. In Indonesia according to Article 28 of the Law on the National Education System, the education of children has been placed in line with other education. Even at the peak of the National Children's Day commemoration on July 23, 2019, the President of the Republic had launched the implementation of early childhood education throughout Indonesia in the best interests of the child.
Parties Who Play A Role in PAUD
The parties involved in the management of early childhood education are the government (state), society and family. The family is the first institution to conduct education and guidance for children (generation). It was there that the first time the foundation of the child's personality was built. The child is guided by how he knows his Creator so that he will only serve the Creator of Allah SWT. Likewise, the teaching of children's behavior and character is obtained from the parents' daily attitudes when interacting with them. How is he taught to choose sentences? Good sentences, courtesy, affection towards siblings and others. They are taught to choose the right way when fulfilling the necessities of life and choose the halal items they will use. In conclusion, the basic potential for forming a quality generation is prepared by the family.
Society which is the environment of children undergoing social activities has a major role in influencing the pros and cons of the educational process, because children are an inseparable part of the community. Interaction in this environment is very necessary and influential in the growth and development of children, both physically and biologically. Therefore, the problems that children face when interacting in society must be understood so that we can work on a solution. A society consisting of a group of people who have the same thoughts and feelings and their interactions are regulated by the same rules, when each sees how important it is to maintain a conducive atmosphere for the growth and development of generations, everyone will agree to see which cases will bring positive influences and which ones have negative influences on generation education. As far as possible negative things that will plunge children will be prevented together. This is where the role of society as social control is to realize the ideal generation. Communities that are the environment of generations not only are neighbors but also include schools and communities in one country. Therefore the neighbors, educators and also the government as the organizer of state affairs are responsible for the generation of education process.
In addition to families and schools, parties and community organizations such as majelis ta ‟lim, have a role in giving birth to a generation of qualified leaders. It is there that generations will be nurtured to become powerful and tough politicians. Therefore, these parties and mass organizations also play a role in fostering mothers so that mothers can educate generations properly and correctly. Of all parties who have the responsibility in educating the smart generation, the generation cares about the nation, of course the country has the biggest and most important role in ensuring the ongoing education process of the generation.
The state is responsible for regulating treats that are displayed in electronic media and also regulating and overseeing the publication of all print media. The state is obliged to crack down on deviant behavior that has a negative impact on society, etc. The state as the main provider of educational generation, must meet all means to properly meet the educational needs of the people. On this basis the state is obliged to perfect free education for all its people. The free education policy will open up as many opportunities as possible for every individual citizen to receive education, so that education does not only touch certain circles (who are able), and is no longer used as a business arena that can reduce the quality of education itself. Though the quality of education greatly influences the style of the generation it produces.